Eyes Up Gym | 1307 N Carla Ave | Tea, SD
What Makes Different?
Eyes Up
Clinics & Events
Private Workouts
Aberdeen New Year's Clinic
Dec 30-31
More Soon!
# of Players
Per Session Cost
1 $55 each
2 $35 each
3 $30 each
4 $25 each
*Sessions are 45 minutes*
-Click button to book or
request a bigger group
Kevin Ratzsch
Being a highly skilled player doesn't always translate into being a great IN-GAME player.
Players MUST develop their mental game. And learn how to be effective within the team's system.
It takes having the right support group as well. This includes having family understand how to encourage their player.
When a player is firing on all cylinders physically, mentally, and spiritually, then they can play with full freedom and make an impact even on "off" nights.